24 March, 2012

Finally got a 20 kg ketttlebell

I had read about kettlebell training on the net, and had been trying to get my hands on a kettlebell for about two years now, I tried swings with 20 kg PVC coated plates and these were fun....

After searching and searching online and in sport stores I finally got my first Kettlebell through ebay.in , (the seller on ebay is golfshopindia, the ebay-shop of Bhaseen sports Jallandhar) link . (these weren't available in India earlier). It is worth every penny.

Though I have done ballistic training earlier with home made Chishi and swing with 20 kg plates, I really enjoy kettlebell swings, cleans and presses. I am trying snatches, still learning the technique; I shall avoid any complicated exercises like bent twist/presses.

Sometimes I feel I could have handled the 24 kg version well..or this could be my ego speaking, this primarily so because kettlebells are ideal for high rep ballistic training, less so for 1 rep records and believe me trying Tabata routine with 20 kg kettle bell swings is something.

I do weight training thrice a week and  on two of my rest days I do the following program ( balance two days I am too tired to lift any thing else so I rest)
  •    Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,          Pushup 1,    - Catch my breath
    Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,          Pushup 2
  •    Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,          Pushup 3
    Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,          Pushup 4
  •   Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,          Pushup 5
    Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,          Pushup 6
  •   Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,           Pushup 7
    Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,          Pushup 8
  •   Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,           Pushup 9
  • Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,          Pushup 10
 These give me 100 swings and 55 pushups, Occasionally if I feel my arms are tired I reduce the number of pushups to 15 (My arms get enough workout from weight training, and pushups are more for the effort of getting to and up from ground) - i.e.
  • Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,  Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10, Pushup 1,    
  • Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,  Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10, Pushup 2,   
  • Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,  Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10, Pushup 3,    
  • Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,  Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10, Pushup 4,   
  • Left hand Kettlebell Swing - 10,  Right hand Kettlebell Swing - 10, Pushup 5,   
I follow up swings with Kettlebell cleans for 3 sets of 10 reps with each arm, I don't do   any presses at the moment, I'll incorporate them only if for some reason I unable to go to the gym.

I finish of with Kettlebell snatches 2-3  of 10 reps each with each arm...

I intend to incorporate Turkish Get-ups , a form of moving plank exercise as soon as I get my form and strength up...

I rarely do Tabata intervals....am too lazy

Overall VFM and great fun............These exercise are fun and require less mental discipline and motivation than Proper (key word) Body-weight or Free Weight Training.
Before you ask, No , I have not lost 100 pounds or even 10 with these but my fitness level is improving day by day.....

I love the Barbell - Squats , Press, Row, Deadlift
but I am finally sold on to Kettlebells as supplementary tool if doing weight training and main tool if Gym with free weights is not available/feasible.
 Anybody working out these days or fighting fat like me ?