I prepared a potent protein shake - 01 scoop EAS Whey, 01 scoop Weider's Casein in 500 ml milk. The only thing which I missed out was probably two spoons of coffee.
Unfortunately, I could not consume it immediately, in fact I could not consume it over the next six hours. Naturally the milk curdled. This was the second time this had occured; first time my buddy had thrown away the whole stuff into the sink....what the....this s....cost me..a hell.. 60g of premium protein down the drain - I could'nt let it happen for the second time. So I gulped the shake/slush down. It was slightly (quite) bitter, very thick, very filling and the satisfaction of not throwing away a drink worth Rs 100 was priceless. In the hindsight I would rather not let the milk curdle since the taste was pretty-pretty bad.
My reviews... of all thing I come across... razors, fitness products, freeware...Gods.....Life
28 May, 2013
I am a cheapskate...
25 May, 2013
Nations morph...
Had a rather interesting conversation with a colleague-
Exasperated with the the sad state of affairs and happenings in the homeland, I remarked that non-violent fatalism as exposed by Gautam Buddha, Mahavir Jain, lately and especially Mahatma Gandhi was responsible for the shrinking borders and the decline of Indian nation.
My colleague said “koi apne saath kuch lekar gaya/jaata..." - nobody has taken anything /takes anything with him when he departs, this includes lands/nation.
Beautiful ascetic thought - The lands are still there, people still inhabit these lands-the nation's exist- albeit the names/flags have changed.....
24 May, 2013
Why I shout...
The reason I shout over the roof tops about my diet is - it is easier to cheat oneself than go back on your word in public.
So when I say I have quit sugar in public, not only do I have a valid reason of refusing tea/soft drinks/juice/sweetlime in public but over a period of time all but the daftest will stop offering it.
It helps a lot when your friends check you when you are about the slip or your acquaintances give amused/disapproving looks when you falter.
And anyway your conscious tells you that you will open yourself to ridicule then the brain listens better and obeys far better than when your conscious tells you that you are doing a wrong with no witnesses.
Call me a sceptic but we are far more moral and up upright in public than when we are alone.
22 May, 2013
Good times, Times, Great times
These are the fitness goals I have for myself:-
1. Reduce my weight to 73kg
2. Do the following Lifts
Front Squat, Clean, Push press - 100kg
. Squat- 140kg
Deadlift - 190kg
Press - 85kg (I actually want to press 100kg but first things first)
Learn and practice - Snatch, Clean & Jerk
3. Run the following
Mile and half in 12 minutes
5k or three mile race in 28 minutes
4. Do with a 20kg kettlebell swings in Tabata protocol without wishing I was dead.
5. Build up muscle mass, I really loved it when arms didn't fit in my shirt sleeves.
This pic deserves a separate page not only because I look great but because well the great expressions
21 May, 2013
I was browsing through photographs of my time in Jabalpur, I remembered an interesting thing- My betu learnt how to move in an escalator before my wife did...in fact quite some time before. Background- My wife could not get up on an escalator for the love of God, she would shriek, scream and claw, anything except get on to the damned thing. Maana had just got up on to her feet after few months of crawling, when during a visit to the mall she insisted on climbing on the escalator on her own rather than in my lap.