06 June, 2013

Mirror lies....

And a watched kettle does not boil...

When you are gaining weight bit by bit, your brain is unable to discern the small difference on hourly or even day to day basis. So when you look at the mirror, you see a guy who's alright- a bit stocky but good looking, not thin but healthy...

When you take a photograph few months later, holy cow! Reality strikes like a baseball bat- you look like candidate for Biggest loser. Hey two people could hide behind me, in fact they just did

Moral of the rant, mirror is good for shaving- that's it.
If you want to know how you look, get a body shot and a group photograph taken regularly.

Use a measuring tape and a scale and the ease with which you can squeeze into your pants to assist you. If it is not a loose fit - you are gaining weight, if you need to squeeze  in - you are fat.

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